• 空气污染使女性认知能力下降

    12-02-14 A large, prospective study led by a researcher at Rush University Medical Center indicates that chronic exposure to particulate(微粒的) air pollution may accelerate cognitive decline in older adults. The results of the study will be published in t...

  • 脑部疾病的遗传因素研究

    11-11-08 Knowledge about the development of the nervous system is of the greatest importance for us to understand the function of the brain and brain disorders. Researchers at Uppsala University have examined the key step when genes are read and found that g...

  • 决定脑细胞生死的关键物质被发现

    11-09-29 Nicolas G. Bazan, MD, Ph.D, Boyd Professor and Director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, and David Stark, an MD/Ph.D student working in his lab, have discovered how a key chemical neurotransmitter(...

  • 研究人员利用碳纳米材料制作突触

    11-04-24 Engineering researchers the University of Southern California have made a significant breakthrough in the use of nanotechnologies for the construction of a synthetic(合成的,人造的) brain. They have built a carbon nanotube synapse circuit whose be...

  • 非裔美国人患哮喘与基因血统无关

    10-09-28 Genetic ancestry has no discernible(可辨别的) influence on how African American patients with asthma respond to medication, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study. Researchers found that improved lung function in patients after taking inhaled(...

  • 酶控制的单列DNA成功通过蛋白质纳米洞

    10-09-27 Santa Cruz, CA, USA and Oxford, UK, 27 September 2010: Research published this week in Nature Nanotechnology shows a new method of enzyme-controlled movement of a single strand of DNA through a protein nanopore. The paper, by researchers at the Univ...

  • 文化可影响到人体神经系统的运作

    10-08-04 Where you grow up can have a big impact on the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and even how your brain works. In a report in a special section on Culture and Psychology in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for P...

  • 研究人员发现可调节人体免疫系统的基因调节器

    10-07-02 Researchers at Oregon State University and the California Institute of Technology have discovered that a genetic regulator which is critical to many life functions also plays a key role in the formation of T cells, a type of white blood cell that's...

  • 比利时瘫痪男子被误诊昏迷长达23年

    09-11-24 A Belgian man who doctors thought was in a coma for 23 years was conscious all along, it has been revealed. 据透露,一位处于昏迷状态长达23年的比利时男子的主治医师认为,该男子实际上一直都有知觉。 Rom Houben now uses a special keyboard to communicate...

  • 中风治疗新方法或将问世

    09-11-18 Until recently, scientists believed that, following a stroke, a patient had about six months to regain any lost function. After that, patients would be forced to compensate for(弥补,赔偿) the lost function by focusing on their remaining abilities...