• 中国科研的国际吸引力越来越强

    22-10-21 近年来,随着中国科研实力增强,科研环境不断优化,中国科研的国际吸引力也越来越强。据日本《朝日新闻》10月14日报道,中国的学术影响力日益强大,宽松稳定的学术环境吸引越来越多的日本年轻一代学者选择来中国发展。以下为报道摘编: Motoyuki Hattori was promising...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 25

    22-09-15 When Kay Adams received her college degree, she took a job teaching grade school in her New Hampshire hometown. The first six months after Michael vanished she made weekly telephone calls to his mother asking about him. Mrs. Corleone was always frie...

  • 支付宝更新防欺诈功能

    19-02-27 Alipay announced on Tuesday a major anti-fraud upgrade on its application by teaming up with 26 public security departments nationwide. 支付宝周二宣布,通过与全国26家公安部门进行合作之后,对其APP进行一项重大防欺诈更新。 The new function, dubbed Secu...

  • mechanical placebo 机械安慰剂

    17-09-26 Mechanical placebo refers to a device or object that appears to perform a specific function, but in fact does nothing at all. 机械安慰剂指的是看上去似乎能完成某种特定功能,但其实什么也做不成的装置或设备。 It is an impressive looking device or scheme...

  • 甩掉小肚腩需与以下因素抗争

    16-07-06 Chewing gum Munching on a piece of minty fresh gum makes you swallow too much air, which gets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloating and gas. The same thing can happen if you gulp air when snacking on the run, eating too quickly...