• 51个地道习语 3

    22-05-23 21. be a catch 值得追求的人,宜婚对象 John is taking me out tonight. Hes such a catch, I hope hell propose. 约翰今晚带我出去了。他是个靠谱的结婚对象,我希望他能向我求婚。 22. running on fumes 非常疲惫,就快熬不住了 Im sorry, but Ive got to go home n...

  • 鹿特丹附近化工厂着火 引发最高戒备

    11-01-06 Southern areas of the Netherlands are on the top state of alert after a blaze at a chemical plant near Rotterdam sent out a thick plume of smoke. 荷兰鹿特丹附近一座化工厂着火,发散出浓厚的烟雾,南部地区因此进入最高戒备状态。 Carcinogenic chemical ma...
