• 生物燃料可能替代现有火箭燃料

    14-03-27 Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Joint BioEnergy Institute have engineered a bacterium to synthesize pinene(蒎烯) , a hydrocarbon produced by trees that could potentially replace high-energy fuels, such as JP-10, in missi...

  • 科学家将甘蔗转变为产油作物

    14-02-26 A multi-institutional team reports that it can increase sugarcane's geographic range, boost its photosynthetic rate by 30 percent and turn it into an oil-producing crop for biodiesel(生物柴油) production. These are only the first steps in a bigger...

  • 科研人员发明太阳能氢燃料电池

    14-01-15 Solar energy has long been used as a clean alternative to fossil fuels such as coal and oil, but it could only be harnessed during the day when the sun's rays were strongest. Now researchers led by Tom Meyer at the Energy Frontier Research Center at...

  • 工程菌可利用太阳光制造燃料

    13-01-08 Chemists at the University of California, Davis, have engineered blue-green algae to grow chemical precursors(前体细胞) for fuels and plastics -- the first step in replacing fossil fuels as raw materials for the chemical industry. Most chemical fe...

  • 生物柴油燃烧过程远比石油燃料复杂

    10-05-13 Understanding the key elements of biofuel combustion(燃烧,氧化) is an important step toward insightful(有深刻见解的) selection of next-generation alternative fuels. And that's exactly what Lawrence Livermore and Sandia national laboratories res...

  • 科学家揭开光合作用的秘密

    10-02-20 An international team of scientists, including two from Arizona State University, have taken a significant step closer to unlocking the secrets of photosynthesis(光合作用) , and possibly to cleaner fuels. Plants and algae(海藻) , as well as cyan...
