• 巴西溪蛙用复杂的声音与视觉信号进行交流

    16-01-15 Brazilian torrent frogs may use sophisticated audio and visual signals to communicate, including inflating vocal sacs, squealing, and arm waving, according to a study published January 13, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Fbio P. de S, Un...

  • 巴西发现两种头部带毒刺的青蛙

    15-08-07 It's no surprise that some frogs secrete poison from glands in their skin. But researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 6 have discovered the first two species of frog, both living in Brazil, that are actually venomo...

  • The boys and the frogs 男孩和青蛙

    15-05-15 Some mischievous boys were playing on the edge of a pond, and, catching sight of some frogs swimming about in the shallow water, they began to amuse themselves by pelting them with stones, and they killed several of them. At last one of the frogs pu...

  • The hares and the frogs 野兔和青蛙

    15-04-03 The hares once gathered together and lamented the unhappiness of their lot, exposed as they were to dangers on all sides and lacking the strength and the courage to hold their own. Men, dogs, birds and beasts of prey were all their enemies, and kill...

  • 青蛙的跳跃模式取决于周围环境

    14-07-04 A frog's jump is not as simple as it seems....Australian scientists have discovered that different species adopt different jumping styles depending on their environment. Lead researcher, Miss Marta Vidal-Garcia ( PhD candidate, Australian National U...

  • 雄花箭毒蛙将蝌蚪置于恶劣的环境中生存

    14-01-22 Given a choice, male dyeing poison frogs snub empty pools in favor of ones in which their tiny tadpoles(蝌蚪) have to metamorphose(变形) into frogs in the company of larger, carnivorous ones of the same species. The frog fathers only choose to d...

  • 青蛙和牛

    13-11-29 An ox, grazing in a swampy(沼泽的) meadow, chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs, and crushed nearly the whole brood to death. One that escaped ran off to his mother with the dreadful news. Oh, mother! said he ,It was a beast - suc...

  • 巴布亚新几内亚发现三种微型青蛙

    13-09-21 Three new species of tiny frogs from Papua New Guinea are described in the latest issue of Zookeys. Dr Fred Kraus, University of Michigan, who in 2011 in Zookeys described the world's smallest frogs Paedophryne dekot and Paedophryne verrucosa, now a...