• Who is he waiting for 他在等谁

    14-06-04 Two friends were having lunch at a caf in new York's Grand Central Terminal. They noticed a man sitting alone at an adjoining table. When the waitress approached him, they overheard her ask, Are you waiting to be joined by a tall, thin woman with lo...

  • 美国社会学家对大学毕业生的建议

    14-05-30 1. Don't worry about making your dreams come true College graduates are often told: follow your passion, do what you love, what you were meant to do, or make your dreams come true. Two-thirds think they're going find a job that allows them to change...

  • unplugged wedding 不插电婚礼

    14-05-26 So there you are at the altar, gazing into the eyes of your beloved, saying your vows. You turn to sneak a glance at your wedding guests, all your favorite beloved friends and family and are greeted by a sea of down-turned faces staring at their LCD...

  • 高中同学最有可能先被清除朋友圈

    14-05-11 Friends grow apart. It's a truism that we all realise at some point in our lives, but new research suggests that it's on Facebook that this home truth is most evident. 朋友日渐疏远。这是一个我们在生活中就可以得到印证的真理。不过,新的研究表明,这个...

  • First-aid class 急救课

    14-04-29 A man was telling friends how first-aid classes had prepared him for an emergency. I saw a woman hit by a car, he said, She had a broken arm, a twisted knee and a skull fracture. How horrible! What did you do? Thanks to my first-aid training I knew...

  • The Phone Stack 叠手机游戏

    14-03-27 Don't you hate it when a nice meal with friends is constantly interrupted by beeping iPhones and Androids? Well, a buzzy new game called The Phone Stack offers an amusing solution. 想跟朋友好好吃顿饭却频繁被手机声打断的时候是不是很烦?现在,有个叫叠...

  • 英国情侣30分钟完成求婚订婚结婚

    14-03-02 近期,英国一对情侣举办的一场闪婚仪式让在场的客人目瞪口呆,两人仅用30分钟便完成了从求婚到结婚的整个过程。 A couple stunned guests by staging a surprise wedding which took half an hour from marry me? to I do. Even bridesmaids and best men had no idea...

  • 人生中应该有的八种朋友

    14-02-21 Did you know that people without friends are more likely to die an early death? It's true. Just ask science. 你知道吗?没有朋友的人往往死的早。这是真的。不信,可以向科学求证。 To up your chances of living a long, happy life, having a bunch of fair-w...

  • 单身者怎么过情人节

    14-02-16 Despite the fact that we've just had Christmas and New Year, the world decided that some of us needed yet another reminder of how sad and alone we are. Enter Valentine's Day, a faux semi-holiday that was invented to stimulate the sales of the floral...

  • 幸福婚姻的几个必备要素

    14-02-16 一项美国研究揭示,幸福婚姻的秘诀就是每周亲吻10次,每周说10次我爱你,每个月至少约会三次。有三个共同的兴趣爱好、每年出去度假两次也是幸福婚姻的必备要素。 The secret to a happy marriage is kissing and saying 'I love you' 10 times a week and going on thr...