• 某种蜡螟可听到300千赫的声音

    13-05-09 Researchers at the University of Strathclyde have discovered that the greater wax moth is capable of sensing sound frequencies of up to 300kHz the highest recorded frequency sensitivity of any animal in the natural world. Humans are only capable of...

  • 公交运行词汇

    12-09-24 运行 running 正点,准点 on schedule 正点率 on-schedule rate(正点行车次数与总行车次数之比) 早点,快点 running hot(车辆运行早于时刻表规定的时间) 晚点,慢点 behind the schedule 压点 decelerated run(车辆运行因早点而减速行驶) 赶点 accelerated run(...

  • 现代通信技术受制于光学非线性效果

    12-03-08 Many of the communication tools of today rely on the function of light or, more specifically, on applying information to a light wave. Up until now, studies on electronic and optical devices with materials that are the foundations of modern electron...
