• 重庆将建造一座大型音乐灯光喷泉

    17-06-30 An amazing new landmark of water and light may soon join Chongqings already spectacular skyline. 重庆业已壮观的地平线上将再添一道靓丽的光与水的风景。 Plans are well underway for a new musical fountain, shooting more than 200 meters into the sky, the...

  • 斯洛文尼亚一个小镇将建造啤酒喷泉

    16-02-20 A small Slovenian town is pressing ahead with plans to build a fountain which spouts beer instead of water, despite opposition from some councillors. 尽管遭到一些地方议员反对,但斯洛文尼亚的一个小镇仍在极力推行一项计划:建造一座啤酒喷泉该喷泉喷出的...

  • 罗马特莱维喷泉修缮后重新喷涌

    15-11-04 Water began flowing once again at Rome's famed Trevi fountain on Tuesday after a 17-month, 2.4 million US dollar restoration. 罗马著名的特莱维喷泉周二重新喷涌,此次恢复工作历时17个月,花费240万美元。 Claudio Parisi Presicce with the City of Rome Sup...

  • 新研究或揭开月球火喷泉之谜

    15-08-26 Tiny beads of volcanic glass found on the lunar surface during the Apollo missions are a sign that fire fountain eruptions took place on the Moon's surface. Now, scientists from Brown University and the Carnegie Institution for Science have identifi...

  • The Fountain

    12-09-20 Into the sunshine, Full of the light, Leaping and flashing From morn till night! Into the moonlight, Whiter than snow, Waving so flower-like When the winds blow! Into the starlight, Rushing in spray, Happy at midnight, Happy by day! Ever in motion,...

  • 世界上最精确的原子钟问世

    11-08-28 A caesium(铯) fountain clock that keeps the United Kingdom's atomic time is now the most accurate long-term timekeeper in the world, according to a new evaluation of the clock that will be published in the October 2011 issue of the international s...
