• 早期生命进化观点收到新数据挑战

    12-12-24 A research team led by biogeochemists at the University of California, Riverside has tested a popular hypothesis in paleo-ocean chemistry, and proved it false. The fossil record indicates that eukaryotes(真核生物) -- single-celled and multicellula...

  • 棕榈树的大面积种植导致碳排放上升

    12-10-08 Expanding production of palm oil, a common ingredient in processed foods, soaps and personal care products, is driving rainforest destruction and massive carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new study led by researchers at Stanford and Yale univ...

  • 科学家发现最古老的节肢动物琥珀

    12-08-29 An international team of scientists has discovered the oldest record of arthropods(节肢动物) -- invertebrate(无脊椎的) animals that include insects, arachnids, and crustaceans -- preserved in amber(琥珀) . The specimens, one fly and two mites...

  • 巨型昆虫曾统治过地球

    12-06-05 Giant insects ruled the prehistoric(史前的) skies during periods when Earth's atmosphere was rich in oxygen. Then came the birds. After the evolution of birds about 150 million years ago, insects got smaller despite rising oxygen levels, according...

  • 史前蝠蝇以吸食蝙蝠血为生

    12-02-06 They are tiny, ugly, disease-carrying little blood-suckers that most people have never seen or heard of, but a new discovery in a one-of-a-kind fossil shows that bat flies have been doing their noxious business with bats for at least 20 million year...

  • 一种新角龙化石出土95年后被命名

    11-12-07 A new species of horned dinosaur was just announced by an international team of scientists led by Alf Museum staff, 95 years after the initial discovery of the fossil. The animal, named Spinops sternbergorum, lived approximately 76 million years ago...

  • 古环境促使了生物多样性的变化

    11-11-25 Much of our knowledge about past life has come from the fossil record -- but how accurately does that reflect the true history and drivers of biodiversity on Earth? It's a question that goes back a long way to the time of Darwin, who looked at the f...

  • 海洋酸化不利于甲壳类动物生长

    11-10-25 Increasing acidification(酸化) in coastal waters could compromise the ability of oysters and other marine creatures to form and keep their shells, according to a new study led by University of Georgia researchers. Their findings will be published...

  • 喜马拉雅山上发现长毛犀牛骨骼化石

    11-09-04 A new paper published in the journal Science reveals the discovery of a primitive woolly rhino(犀牛) fossil in the Himalayas, which suggests some giant mammals first evolved in present-day Tibet before the beginning of the Ice Age. The extinction...

  • 太平洋海底发现“活化石”鳝鱼

    11-08-17 A newly discovered eel that inhabits an undersea cave in the Pacific Ocean has been dubbed a living fossil because of its primitive features. 一种最近在太平洋海底洞穴被发现的鳝鱼因其原始的特征而被冠以活化石称号。 living fossil Protoanguilla palau It...