• Mansfield Park - Chapter 6

    21-05-06 Mr. Bertram set off for--------, and Miss Crawford was prepared to find a great chasm in their society, and to miss him decidedly in the meetings which were now becoming almost daily between the families; and on their all dining together at the Park...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 22

    21-03-17 Human nature is so well disposed towards those who are in interesting situations, that a young person, who either marries or dies, is sure of being kindly spoken of. A week had not passed since Miss Hawkinss name was first mentioned in Highbury, bef...

  • 如何成为亿万富翁

    21-02-27 我们都听过这样的一个成功富豪的故事,他们从学校辍学,在没有完成学业的情况下创造出上百万甚至是上亿的财富。但是这是常规吗? Have you ever fancied sailing around the world in your own yacht or buying a holiday home in the Caribbean? Well, before you get...

  • 这些地方的福字要正着贴

    21-02-18 春节快到了,不少人家里喜欢贴个倒福,寓意福到了,但是福字并不是在所有地方都能倒着贴的。具体有哪些讲究? The Lunar New Year is laden with traditional customs. One, still hugely popular, is to hang the Chinese character fu (fortune, bliss) upside down...

  • many a little makes a mickle 积少成多

    21-01-09 学习知识的过程就是积少成多,滴水成流。积少成多,汉语成语,指积累少量的东西,能成为巨大的数量。与英文谚语many a little makes a mickle意思相近,表示many small amounts accumulate to make a large amount。 例句: 巨大的财富起初是由少量的财富积累起来,正...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 2

    20-11-10 Come, child, the dew is falling, and it is time we went in. No, no, Mamma is not rested yet, so I may run down to the spring if I like. And Lillian, as willful as winsome, vanished among the tall ferns where deer couched and rabbits hid. Hester leis...

  • spendthrift 败家子

    20-09-05 败家子,汉语词语,指任意挥霍家产的不成器的子弟(a prodigal son squandering the family fortune),可以翻译为 spendthrift ,表示a person who spends improvidently or wastefully。 例句: 败家子习气 spendthrift style 我妈妈告诫我,不要与败家子结婚。 My m...

  • 恒大许家印成中国首富

    18-12-10 With personal wealth of $36.7 billion, Hui Ka Yan, chairman of real estate developer Guangzhou Evergrande Group, has become the richest man in China. 广州恒大集团董事长许家印个人财产367亿美元,成为中国首富。 Huis fortune puts him ahead of Alibaba ch...

  • 福布斯中国400富豪榜 马云重返榜首

    18-10-25 Jack Ma, Chairman of Chinas e-commerce giant Alibaba, has been ranked first on Forbes annual list of the countrys top 400 richest men for the second time in four years, according to Forbes latest statistics released on Wednesday. 福布斯周三公布的最...

  • 滴滴入选财富“2016改变世界的50家公司”

    16-08-24 Chinese ride hailing giant Didi has been added to Fortune Magazines 2016 Change the World list. 中国叫车软件商滴滴入选财富杂志2016改变世界的50家公司。 The list itself ranks companies based on what impact theyre having on some of the worlds biggest c...