• 利用3D技术检查悬崖带景观的形成

    14-10-17 A blend of photos and technology takes a new twist on studying cliff landscapes and how they were formed. Dylan Ward, a University of Cincinnati assistant professor of geology, will present a case study on this unique technology application at The G...

  • 微生物能生成石笋

    14-08-19 According to new research humble, microscopic organisms can create dripstones(石笋) in caves. This illustrates how biological life can influence the formation of Earth's geology -- and the same may be happening right now on other planets in space....

  • 蜘蛛丝的形成过程

    14-08-06 Spider silk is an impressive material; lightweight and stretchy yet stronger than steel. But the challenge that spiders face to produce this substance is even more formidable(强大的) . Silk proteins, called spidroins, must convert from a soluble f...

  • 太阳系的诞生记录

    12-11-05 Some 4.567 billion years ago, our solar system's planets spawned from an expansive disc of gas and dust rotating around the sun. While similar processes are witnessed in younger solar systems throughout the Milky Way, the formative stages of our own...

  • 足球词汇8

    11-04-11 前场:opposing half 后场:own half 接应位置:supporting position 分派位:assign position 跟进:trail 制造空当:create an opening 边锋战术:wing play 进攻型足球:offensive football 防守型足球:defensive football 全攻全守型[总体型]足球:total football...

  • Lessons from Geese

    09-12-11 Fact No. 1 As each goose flaps拍打 its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird following. By flying in a V formation队形 , the whole flock adds 71% more flying range航程 than if each bird flew alone. Lesson: People who share a common direction and...
