• 北京606位老外获永久居留权

    18-06-29 China has approved permanent residency for more than 1,800 foreigners since April, among those 606 are from Beijing, local authorities said Thursday. 四月以来,中国已经批准1800多位外国人的永久居留权,这其中有606人来自北京。 Beijing Municipal Securit...

  • 2016年90万外国人在中国大陆工作

    17-04-17 New stats have shown that over 900 thousand foreigners were employed on the Chinese mainland last year. 新统计数据显示,2016年在中国大陆有超过90万外国人被雇佣。 The country of origin of foreign experts also expanded from 21 to 73 from 2001 to 2016....

  • 北京成立中关村外国人服务大厅

    16-03-02 A special service center has been established in Beijing to offer permanent residence services to foreigners in the Zhongguancun district. 一处特别服务中心在北京成立,旨在向中关村地区的外国人提供长期居留服务。 The center will offer visas, residentia...

  • Ball of Fat 羊脂球 Chapter 2

    14-09-04 Some detachments rapped at each door, then disappeared into the houses. It was occupation after invasion. Then the duty commences for the conquered to show themselves gracious toward the conquerors. After some time, as soon as the first terror disap...

  • 诚实

    14-06-10 Before, very few foreigners visited the southem foot of Himalayas. Then, many Japanese went there. It is said that this is because of the honesty of a small boy. One day, some Japanese photographers asked a local boy to buy some bottles of beer, whi...

  • 中国东部城市最吸引外籍雇员

    13-11-17 Regional disparity in attracting foreign talent to China is highlighted by survey results released on Wednesday showing that inland areas have a long way to go in attracting professionals from overseas. 调查显示,在吸引外籍人才来华方面,区域差异较为...

  • 朝鲜:外国人尽快撤离韩国

    13-04-09 North Korea has warned foreigners in South Korea to take evacuation measures in case of war. 朝鲜警告留在韩国的外国人尽快撤离以免战争爆发。 North Korean rhetoric has been increasingly bellicose This comes amid growing concern that the North may be a...

  • 萨科奇:法国国内有太多外国人

    12-03-07 French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said there are too many foreigners in France and the system for integrating them is working more and more badly. 法国总统尼古拉萨科奇称,法国境内有太多外国人,将他们融入法国的方法正变得越来越糟。 Nicolas Sarkozy...

  • 英国大本钟暂停向外国游客开放

    10-11-13 近期欧洲频繁遭遇恐怖袭击威胁,出于安全方面的考虑,英国近日宣布禁止外国游客参观伦敦地标建筑大本钟,本国游客参观需向所属选区的国会议员提交书面申请。 Foreigners have been banned from visiting Big Ben over security fears. Foreigners have been banned fro...
