• 买二手衣服 减少你的时尚碳足迹

    22-10-18 越来越多的消费者选择购买二手衣物,他们认为这样做更环保。这种购物习惯的改变也在迫使时尚行业发生改变。 The destructive impact of fast fashion on the environment is widely documented. So how can we, as consumers, reduce our fashion footprint? One obvio...

  • 中国发现霸王龙脚印化石

    19-07-30 Paleontologists from China and the United States have found a Tyrannosauripus, a giant dinosaur footprint fossil in eastern Chinas Jiangxi Province, marking the first discovery of Tyrannosauripus in China. 来自中国和美国的古生物学家在中国江西省发现...

  • 智利发现美洲最古老的足印

    19-04-28 Scientists in Chile say they have found a footprint dating from at least 15,600 years ago, making it the earliest such sign of mans presence in the Americas. 智利科学家发现一个至少有15600年历史的足印,成为美洲最早的人类存在印记。 The footprint was f...

  • 发送电子邮件也会对环境产生影响

    15-12-04 You might not realise it, but sending even a short email has an impact on the environment. 你可能没有意识到,即使是发送一封小小的邮件也会对环境产生影响。 Scientists estimate that an email adds about four grams (0.14 ounces) of carbon dioxide equival...

  • small-footprint 低碳生活

    15-11-11 Small-footprint living refers to a lifestyle that minimizes one's impact on the environment. 低碳生活是指一种将人对环境的影响降至最低的生活方式。 Small-footprint直译是足迹极小,而根据词条的解释,我们可以看出,其实small-footprint中间是省略了carbon的...

  • carbon bigfoot 碳大脚

    14-11-06 Carbon Bigfoot refers to a person with absolutely zero regard for his or her carbon footprint, the sum of all emissions of CO2 induced by your activities; an anti-environmentalist. Carbon Bigfoot(碳大脚)指完全不在意自己碳足迹的人或者反环保人士。碳...

  • 人类对自然资源的需求超出地球承载

    10-10-23 Human demands on natural resources have doubled in under 50 years and are now outstripping what the Earth can provide by more than half, a new report has warned. 一份新报告警告称,人类对自然资源的需求量在不到50年内翻了一番,目前已超出地球供应能力的...

  • carbon footprint 碳足迹

    10-08-31 随着联合国气候变化峰会的召开,关于温室气体排放,碳足迹,以及节能减排的讨论成为各家媒体热议的话题。有关专业机构还设计出一个碳足迹计算器,让每个人都了解自己的行为对环境造成的影响。那么,这个碳足迹到底是什么意思呢?我们今天就来说一说。 A carbon footpri...
