• sympathy seeker 求安慰帖

    16-07-05 Sympathy seeker refers to someones status updates on social networking sites like Weibo, WeChat Moments or Facebook that are solely for the purpose of gaining sympathy from followers. Sympathy seeker指有人在微博、微信朋友圈或者脸书等社交媒体上发布的...

  • 如何得到更多的Twitter粉丝

    13-05-03 What do all Twitter users want? Followers -- and lots of them. But unless you're a celebrity, it can be difficult to build your Twitter audience (and even some celebs have trouble). Looking at a half-million tweets over 15 months, a first-of-its-kin...

  • F-Factor F因素

    12-03-12 F-Factor refers to the influence of Friends, Fans and Followers on purchasing decisions. F因素指我们在做购物决定时,朋友、粉丝及追随者对我们产生的影响。 Discussing the increasing importance of social media in commerce, Trendwatching.com minted the t...
