• 鸟类V形飞行编队的空气动力学奥秘

    14-01-18 Researchers using custom-built GPS and accelerometer loggers, developed with funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, (EPSRC), and attached to free-flying birds on migration, have gained ground-breaking insights into the...

  • The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders

    13-06-25 I will tell you something. I saw two roasted fowls(家禽,鸟) flying; they flew quickly and had their breasts turned to heaven and their backs to hell, and an anvil(铁砧,砧骨) and a mill-stone swam across the Rhine prettily, slowly, and gently,...

  • 世间的我们

    12-09-05 We Allegedly about a million years ago we became humans as result of evolution. Then we spent 900 thousand years learning to make and use tools; Again another 90 thousand years getting acquainted with fire and its usefulness; Again 9 thousand years...

  • 飞翔的梦想与现实

    12-09-04 Oh, to be free like a bird. It's been the stuff of fantacy, and of reality. Sort of. A self-contained flying man. This jet pack from 1960s had barely enough fuel to fly 30 seconds. So the dream languished for decades. Everyone agreed it was complete...

  • 中华丽羽龙可以抓到飞的猎物

    12-08-30 University of Alberta researchers found evidence that a feathered, but flightless dinosaur was able to snag(抓住机会) and consume small flying dinosaurs. The U of A paleontology team found the fossilized remains of three flying dinosaurs in the be...

  • 惊弓之鸟

    12-07-25 During the time of the Warring States (475-221 BC), there lived a well-known archer(弓箭手) named Geng Ying whose art in shooting was excelled by none at his time. One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese w...

  • 蚊子如何在雨中飞行

    12-06-06 A mosquito's tiny, low-weight body is the key to its ability to survive flying in the rain, according to scientists. 科学家称,蚊子微...

  • Lessons from Geese

    09-12-11 Fact No. 1 As each goose flaps拍打 its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird following. By flying in a V formation队形 , the whole flock adds 71% more flying range航程 than if each bird flew alone. Lesson: People who share a common direction and...

  • 国庆“禁飞” ban on flying activities

    09-09-21 为确保国庆期间首都的安全,自9月15日至10月8日,北京行政区域内实施禁飞,鸽子和风筝也纳入禁飞范围。即日起,(北京)本市的公安、民航、体育和空军等部门将对本市的信鸽公棚、飞行起降点、航模销售商店开展联合检查,违反规定的将依法予以处理。 请看新华社的报道:...

  • 'Extinction threat' to flying fox 过度捕杀,果蝠“面临绝迹”

    09-08-26 Scientists are urging the government of Malaysia to ban the hunting of the world's largest fruit bat. 科学家正试图说服马来西亚政府禁止猎杀世界上最大的果蝠。 Scientists attached collars to the bats to track their movements by satellite Researchers sa...