• 关于刷牙的十大误区 下

    16-06-18 Flossing Again the wrong technique such as a sawing motion can cause damage and recession of the gums. You should slide the floss gently up-and-down between your teeth. Brushing at the wrong times and too much This can cause damage as well. Do not b...

  • 细菌如何抵抗氟化物毒性

    14-09-16 He's not a dentist, but Christopher Miller is focused on fluoride. Two studies from his Brandeis University lab provide new insights into the mechanisms that allow bacteria to resist fluoride toxicity, information that could eventually help inform n...

  • 氟化物防止蛀牙有新证据

    13-05-02 In an advance toward solving a 50-year-old mystery, scientists are reporting new evidence on how the fluoride in drinking water, toothpastes, mouth rinses(口腔清洗剂) and other oral-care products prevents tooth decay. Their report appears in the A...

  • 细菌如何对付氟化物

    11-12-23 Yale researchers have uncovered the molecular tricks used by bacteria to fight the effects of fluoride(氟化物) , which is commonly used in toothpaste and mouthwash to combat tooth decay. In the Dec. 22 online issue of the journal Science Express,...

  • 骨骼含氟量与骨肉瘤没有直接关系

    11-07-29 The International and American Associations for Dental Research have released in its Journal of Dental Research a study that investigated bone fluoride(氟化物) levels in individuals with osteosarcoma(骨肉瘤) , which is a rare, primary malignant...

  • 大量使用氟化物可导致氟中毒

    10-10-26 Young children who consume substantial amounts of fluoride(氟化物) through infant formula and other beverages(饮料,酒水) mixed with fluoridated water or by swallowing fluoride toothpaste have an increased chance of developing mild enamel(搪瓷...
