• 网瘾严重的人易患感冒流感

    15-08-16 Spending too much time online can increase your risk of catching a cold or the flu, scientists have warned. 科学家近日警告,上网时间过长会增加患感冒和流感的几率。 Those with greater levels of internet addiction are more likely to succumb to illness,...

  • 雅皮士流感一种真实存在的疾病

    15-03-27 The debilitating condition once derided as 'yuppie flu' is a genuine illness, researchers say. 雅皮士流感是一种能让人慢慢衰竭的疾病,虽然曾经受到诸多嘲讽,但研究人员称,这其实是一种真实存在的...

  • 流感病毒的惊人进化史

    14-02-25 A new study reconstructing the evolutionary tree of flu viruses challenges conventional wisdom and solves some of the mysteries surrounding flu outbreaks of historical significance. The study, published in the journal Nature, provides the most compr...

  • man flu 男士感冒

    14-02-25 When a man suffers from a minor illness, typically a cold, but complains of severe symptoms, such as severe pain and nausea, they are said to be suffering from man flu . Lots of men tend to exaggerate their symptoms when they have a minor illness....

  • 加拿大发现首个H5N1禽流感病例

    14-01-09 Canadian health officials have confirmed the first known fatal case of the H5N1 avian influenza strain in North America. 加拿大卫生管员确认,发现北美首例感染H5N1致命禽流感变种的病例。 Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose said the deceased person wa...

  • 禽流感疫情影响肯德基销售额

    13-04-14 肯德基母公司百盛集团警告称,最近中国爆发的新型禽流感疫情或将严重影响该公司旗下餐厅本月的销售额。该公司还宣布,受此前食品安全丑闻的影响,3月份该公司在中国市场的销售额降幅也超过预期。 KFC parent Yum Brands Inc warned that a new bird flu outbreak in Ch...

  • 儿童注射流感疫苗的比率偏低

    13-01-14 This year's flu season is in full swing with 41 states now reporting widespread illness. Unfortunately, not enough children are getting the flu shot even though health officials recommend that all children 6 months and older get the vaccine. Accordi...

  • 新品蛋白质用于对抗流感病毒

    12-05-31 An international research team has manufactured a new protein that can combat deadly flu epidemics. The paper, featured on the cover of the current issue of Nature Biotechnology, demonstrates ways to use manufactured genes as antivirals, which disab...

  • 禽流感研究成果被公诸于众

    12-05-03 After a marathon debate over a pair of studies that show how the avian H5N1 influenza virus could become transmissible in mammals, and an unprecedented recommendation by a government review panel to block publication, one of the studies was finally...

  • 哮喘病人极少可能死于猪流感

    11-09-27 People with asthma(哮喘) who are admitted to hospital with pandemic influenza H1N1 (swine flu) are half as likely to die or require intensive care than those without asthma, according to new research. The study, which is being presented at the Eur...