• Water your flowers every day

    13-12-12 Flowers need water, said the teacher. Water your flowers every day, or they'll die. One morning Mother saw Marry out in the garden and asked, What are you doing there, Marry? Watering flowers, said Marry. But it is raining now! Oh, it doesn't matter...

  • 气温上升促使热带雨林花期繁盛

    13-07-09 A new study led by Florida State University researcher Stephanie Pau shows that tropical forests are producing more flowers in response to only slight increases in temperature. The study examined how changes in temperature, clouds and rainfall affec...

  • A Riddling Tale

    13-06-25 Three women were changed into flowers which grew in the field, but one of them was allowed to be in her own home at night. Then once when day was drawing near, and she was forced to go back to her companions in the field and become a flower again, s...

  • 莲花基因组成功定序

    13-05-13 The sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a symbol of spiritual purity and longevity. Its seeds can survive up to 1,300 years, its petals and leaves repel(击退,抵制) grime(尘垢,污点) and water, and its flowers generate heat to attract pollinators...

  • 婚礼上的有趣词汇

    13-05-13 Arrangements for wedding :婚礼的安排 Banns,Bridesmaids,Best man :结婚预告,伴娘,伴郎 Church,Cake,Cars,Confetti :教堂,结婚蛋糕,汽车,五彩碎纸 Dress :礼服 Etiquette :结婚礼仪 Flowers,Family Planning :鲜花,计划生育 Guests :嘉宾 Honeymoon,Hai...

  • 伦敦警方破不了案就送花

    13-04-03 POLICE are sending bouquets of flowers to victims of burglaries and muggings - crimes they often have difficulty solving. 伦敦警方正在给那些盗窃和抢劫案的受害者送花束盗窃和抢劫经常难以破案。 They claim the gift helps soften the blow, but it can also...

  • Life is cruel to men 生命对男人是残酷的

    13-03-21 Life is cruel to men. When they are born, their mothers get the compliments and flowers. When they are married, their brides get the presents and publicity. And when they die, their wives get the insurance. 生命对于男人来说是残酷的。当他们出生的时候...

  • 花朵会向传粉者发送电信号

    13-02-25 Flowers' methods of communicating are at least as sophisticated as any devised by an advertising agency, according to a new study, published February 21 in Science Express by researchers from the University of Bristol. However, for any advertisement...

  • Love in Bloom

    13-01-08 I was nine when my father first sent me flowers. I had been taking tapdancing(踢踏舞) lessons for six months, and the school was giving its yearly recital(朗诵) . As an excited member of the beginners' chorus line, I was aware of my lowly status...

  • 植物控制花期的新方法

    12-11-12 Flowers don't just catch our eyes, they catch those of pollinators(传粉者) like bees as well. They have to, in order to reproduce. Because plants need to maximize the opportunity for pollinators to gain access to their seeds, variations in the tim...