• 接地气儿的习语 5

    22-07-06 Over my dead body 除非我死了、想都别想 例句: There is no way I will let you do that, not over my dead body. 除非我死了,我都不会让你那么做的。 Go with the flow 随大流 例句: If you dont want to stand out, go with the flow. 你要是不想显得太突出,就...

  • flow past in an endless stream 川流不息

    21-07-02 川流不息,汉语成语,字面意思是The stream never stops flowing。指事物像水流一样连续不断。可以翻译为 flow past in an endless stream,never-ending等。 例句: 主干道上的车辆川流不息。 The cars flowed in steady streams along the main road. 街上行人川流不...

  • brim with talent 才华横溢

    21-05-13 才华横溢,汉语成语,意思是很有才华,多指文学、艺术等方面而言。可以翻译为brim with talent,over flow with talent或be full of wit。 例句: 他是一个才华横溢的青年科学家。 Hes a brilliant young scientist. 他是个才华横溢的学者。 He is a scholar of superb...

  • 气流模式影响风力涡轮机的输出功率

    13-10-23 Researchers modeling how changes in air flow patterns affect wind turbines' output power have found that the wind can supply energy from an unexpected direction: below. According to the researchers, who report their results in the journal Physics of...
