• 结伴健身可以互相督促

    22-10-21 研究发现,和朋友一起健身比自己一个人去健身更容易坚持下来,因为结伴健身可以互相督促,还可以从朋友的鼓励中获得源源不断的动力。 Social interaction could be key to kick-starting a fitness regime, US research suggests. 美国研究表明,社交对于快速启动你的...

  • 健康的胖子比不健康的瘦子更易患心脏病

    14-01-13 In a study published in the European Heart Journal, an Ume research team has shown that physical fitness in your teens can reduce the risk of heart attack later in life, while men who are fit and obese in their teens run a higher risk of having a he...

  • 凯蒂·霍尔姆斯获评2012身材最火辣明星

    12-12-31 美国《健康》杂志最近评选出2012年身材最火辣明星排行榜,高居榜首的是今年因与汤姆克鲁斯离婚事件而屡登头条的凯蒂霍尔姆斯。 Fitness magazine has come up with its Hottest Celebrity Bodies for 2012 and No. 1 is Katie Holmes, who made big news with her spli...
