• 海洋中的生物发光鱼类数量远超预期

    16-06-10 A study appearing in the journal PLOS ONE this week shows that bioluminescence -- the production of light from a living organism -- is more widespread among marine fishes than previously understood. Most people are familiar with bioluminescence in f...

  • 珊瑚礁并非鱼类生物多样性最丰富的地方

    13-09-26 Teeming with species, tropical coral reefs have been long thought to be the areas of greatest biodiversity for fishes and other marine life -- and thus most deserving of resources for conservation. But a new global study of reef fishes reveals a sur...

  • 大河里的鱼类处于危险之中

    13-05-23 Large-river specialist fishes -- from giant species like paddlefish(白鲟) and blue catfish, to tiny crystal darters and silver chub -- are in danger, but researchers say there is greater hope to save them if major tributaries identified in a Unive...

  • 鱼类的生命之树

    13-04-22 Fishes account for over half of vertebrate(脊椎动物的) species, but while groups such as mammals, birds and reptiles have been fairly well understood by scientists for decades, knowledge about relationships among many types of fishes was essential...
