• 加拿大将立法禁止进口、买卖和运输手枪

    22-06-02 在美国发生震惊世界的校园枪击案后,加拿大总理特鲁多宣布将立法禁止进口、买卖和运输手枪,涉嫌家暴或刑事骚扰的枪支所有者将被吊销持枪许可证。这将是加拿大有史以来的最严禁枪令。 Canada should introduce a total ban on the buying and selling of all handguns,...

  • 墨西哥警局给警员配弹弓

    18-07-22 Police officers in the Mexican town of Alvarado were recently stripped of their firearms and armed with slingshots and rocks instead, after most of them failed their control tests and were deemed unfit for service. 墨西哥阿尔瓦拉多市的警员最近被解除...

  • 牙买加销毁非法武器打击犯罪

    12-02-08 Jamaica has melted down about 2,000 illegal firearms as part of a programme to reduce gun trafficking and violent crime on the island. 牙买加熔毁大约2000只非法武器以减少国内的非法枪支交易和暴力犯罪。 The pistols and revolvers(左轮手枪) were thrown...
