• 韩国出生人口再创新低

    22-08-31 养娃太贵,房价太高,再加上疫情导致的经济不景气等因素,韩国生育率已经连续第六年下降,如今再度刷新世界最低生育率记录。除此以外,越来越多韩国女性不愿为了家庭牺牲自己的事业,这一切都导致韩国人口危机不断加速。 South Korea has again recorded the worlds lo...

  • 海洋污染物对雄性鼠海豚生殖能力有负面影响

    21-04-01 有长效危害的被禁工业化学品可能威胁到在英国附近生活的雄性鼠海豚的生殖能力。多氯联苯在几十年前就被逐渐淘汰了,但这种物质会在鲸鱼、海豚和鼠海豚的体内积聚。 PCBs were once used in everything from plastics to paints. They were banned in the 1980s, but th...

  • 2020年韩国总人口第一次出现负增长

    21-01-05 South Korea recorded more deaths than births in 2020 for the first time ever, prompting calls for action to revive the countrys falling fertility rate. 韩国2020年记录的死亡人数有史以来第一次超过了出生人数,这促使人们呼吁出台措施提高不断降低的生育率...

  • 英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率创历史新低

    20-11-24 英国国家统计局(Office for National Statistics)发表的数据显示,2018年,英格兰和威尔士的人口出生率,按总人口的比例衡量,降至历史最低点。 Just over 657,000 babies were born in England and Wales in 2018, the fewest since 2005 and the lowest rate since...

  • fertility tourism 生育旅游

    17-06-16 Fertility tourism refers to the practice of traveling to another country for fertility treatments. 生育旅游指的是去其他国家进行不孕治疗。 Fertility tourism is booming. Wealthy Europeans who are desperate to have children are shopping around for the...

  • 手机离身体太近会降低精子质量

    16-03-04 A new study shows that having a mobile phone close to the testicles - or within a foot or two of the body - can lower sperm levels so much that conceiving could be difficult. 一项最新研究表明,手机的存放位置若靠近睾丸,或者在身体的一两英尺(1英尺=0....

  • 哮喘会延缓怀孕的进程

    16-02-14 Asthma has been associated with a prolonged time to pregnancy and a decreased birth rate in a new clinical observation study. Published today (12 February, 2016) in the European Respiratory Journal, the research adds to previous studies that have id...

  • 众多异性求偶会使雌性黑猩猩压力过大

    14-10-08 Being the center of attention can have its drawbacks. For female chimpanzees, being around too many rowdy males is disadvantageous when foraging for food, an effect that can ultimately interfere with her reproductive ability. These are some of the f...

  • 儿童出生率降低因贡献不如以前

    14-07-20 近几十年来儿童出生率开始骤减,这个现象从西方逐渐蔓延到全球发达国家,而且也正在感染许多贫穷国家。学者指出,儿童出生率降低是因为儿童的贡献不如以前。 The nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been characterized by a massive decline in fertility, begi...