• 雌雄南方古猿体型差别不大

    15-04-29 Lucy and other members of the early hominid species Australopithecus afarensis probably were similar to humans in the size difference between males and females, according to researchers from Penn State and Kent State University. Previous convention...

  • 众多异性求偶会使雌性黑猩猩压力过大

    14-10-08 Being the center of attention can have its drawbacks. For female chimpanzees, being around too many rowdy males is disadvantageous when foraging for food, an effect that can ultimately interfere with her reproductive ability. These are some of the f...

  • 哺育后代影响雌狒狒的健康

    14-05-20 Observations made over the past 29 years in Kenya as part of one of the world's longest-running studies of a wild primate show how having offspring influences the health of female baboons. These observations highlight that females are mostly injured...

  • She-power 她力量

    12-09-18 She-power is the power of females that should not be neglected in any field of society, which may include the basic power of females, the integrated power of females and males, and the incidental power that males get from females. She-power is havin...

  • 环境凉爽时节 雌蝴蝶会追求雄蝴蝶

    11-01-07 If you want to be surrounded by females on the prowl(徘徊) , it pays to be cool, at least if you are a male butterfly. In an unusual example of sex role reversals(逆转,撤销) , females actively court(招致,献殷勤) males after being exposed to...
