• 《怪兽大学》第15章

    23-01-19 In the darkness, the toxic urchins glowed and sparked ominously. I want to go home! Squishy cried. On your marks! the Greek Council vice president said. Get set! Mike glared at Sulley, and Sulley glared right back as all the teams shifted in place,...

  • 《海洋奇缘》第2章

    22-12-21 Moana walked to the beach and waddled around, enjoying the feel of the sand between her toes. She gazed out at the ocean, its playful waves rolling back and forth, breaking farther out in the distance on the reef that surrounded her island of Motunu...

  • 用英语礼貌表达个人观点

    22-12-05 在陈述句里加入一些委婉、模糊的词汇来弱化语气,让我们提出的想法和意见听起来更礼貌。比如 reckon、feel、believe 这类表达 觉得,认为... 的词语和 sort of(大概,差不多)、kind of(似乎,有点)、a little(一点) 这类短语。 I reckon you need to re-write th...

  • be in a state of anxiety 担惊受怕

    22-11-15 担惊受怕,汉语成语,表示提心吊胆,放心不下,处在恐惧之中。可以翻译为feel alarmed,be in a state of anxiety。 例句: 可怜的罗杰这次总算不必担惊受怕了。 Poor Roger had been spared this dreadful anxiety....

  • 《恐龙当家》第8章

    22-11-07 Arlo climbed up to the top of the ridge and looked out. Where am I? he asked himself, looking in every direction. The lump in his throat returned. Wheres home? he whispered, breathing heavily. He was trying not to panic. But he couldnt see Clawtooth...

  • Hashtag 井字标签、话题标签

    22-10-12 社交媒体的风尚hashtag / 话题标签的出现已经满十年啦!技术倡导者Chris Messina是最初于2007年8月提出用井字符号#来组织推特人群的人,而在计算机科学领域,更早采用井字符号标识可以追溯至1970-1980年间。在Chris Messina发起这一倡议的两天后,根据《牛津英语辞典》...

  • 聊天走神儿如何不被发觉

    22-08-11 1. So how does this compare to expectations? 跟你预想的比,怎么样? 适用场合:任何时候。这话不仅能让对方觉得你很在意他的感受,还能顺便脑补一下刚刚错过的内容。 2. Are you the only one seeing this? 是就你一个人看到了吗? 适用场合:在别人抱怨的时候。站...

  • 常用搭讪口语

    22-08-02 1. I dont know why, but I feel like Ive known you my whole life. 1.不知道为什么,但是我觉得在遇到你之前我就认识你了。 This line will let the other person know that you feel like you have a special connection to them and make them feel all warm and f...

  • feel dizzy 头晕目眩

    22-07-22 头晕目眩,汉语成语,意思是头脑发晕,眼睛昏花,感到一切都在旋转。可以翻译为feel dizzy/giddy或feel ones head swimming等。 例句: 他喝了酒感到头晕目眩。 The wine made his head swim. 我从高楼的窗户朝外看时顿觉头晕目眩。 I felt dizzy when I looked out of...

  • 我爱你

    22-06-24 You are the epitome of everything Ive ever looked for in another human being. 你拥有我梦寐以求的一切美好品质。 Love is too weak a word for the way I feel. I lurv you. I loave you. I luff you. 用爱这个词来形容我的感受太苍白了,我耐你,我中意你,我贼...