• 中国科学家发现1亿年前未知物种的羽毛

    18-12-17 Chinese scientists have discovered strange-shaped tail feathers in 100 million-year-old ambers which do not belong to any existing or known birds. 中国科学家在一些有1亿年历史的琥珀中发现奇怪形状的尾羽,这种尾羽不属于任何现存或已知的鸟类。 A cross-se...

  • 体毛、羽毛与鳞屑有很多共同之处

    16-06-28 The potential evolutionary link between hairs in mammals, feathers in birds and scales in reptiles has been debated for decades. Today, researchers of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland, demon...

  • The Names of the Trees

    16-05-17 The Names of the Trees Laura Kasischke I passed this place once long ago when a man lived here with his four daughters, peacefully, it seemed. Those daughters took turns washing dishes, doing laundry. Frothy pearls and feathers in a sink. Soft socks...

  • 鸟类羽毛与性别选择无关

    15-03-30 In the world of bird fashion, the guys seem to have all the fun: brighter feathers, sharper accessories, more pizzazz. Researchers going back to Charles Darwin have focused on the contrast between the sexes, attributing the males' brighter colors to...

  • 英国新娘用22000根鹅羽毛打造独特婚纱

    15-02-08 A blushing bride spent 200 hours hand stitching 22,000 individual goose feathers onto her dream dress. 这名娇羞的新娘用了200个小时亲手打造了一件缀满22000根鹅羽毛的独特婚纱。 Cheryl McGlynn, 24, from Middlesbrough, was delighted to wear her one-of-a-...

  • The Eagle and Arrow

    13-10-14 An eagle sat perched on a lofty rock, keeping a sharp look-out for prey. A huntsman, concealed in a cleft(裂缝) of the mountain and on the watch for(密切注意着) game(猎物) , spied him there and shot an arrow at him. The shaft struck him full i...

  • 恐龙在鸟类飞行进化史中的作用

    12-11-23 A new study looking at the structure of feathers in bird-like dinosaurs has shed light on one of nature's most remarkable inventions -- how flight might have evolved. Academics at the Universities of Bristol, Yale and Calgary have shown that prehist...

  • 北美洲首次发现有羽毛恐龙的化石

    12-10-26 The ostrich(鸵鸟) -like dinosaurs in the original Jurassic Park movie were portrayed as a herd of scaly, fleet-footed animals being chased by a ferocious(残忍的) Tyrannosaurus rex. New research published in the journal Science reveals this depic...

  • 恐龙羽毛的颜色首次被鉴定

    10-01-29 The colour of some feathers on dinosaurs and early birds has been identified for the first time, reports a paper published in Nature this week. The research found that the theropod兽脚亚目的 dinosaur Sinosauropteryx had simple bristles猪鬃 precursor...
