• 《饥饿游戏》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. And may the odds be ever in your favor. 愿好运永远眷顾你。 2. Brother turned on brother until nothing remained. 亲兄弟互相厮杀,直到一切全都毁灭。 3. A people rose up from the ashes, and a new era was born. 人们涅槃重生,一个新的时代浴血开启。 4....

  • be in favor with the general public 众望所归

    22-12-13 众望所归,汉语成语,意思是众人的信任、希望归向某人、某事,形容大家一致期望的事物等。可以翻译为be in favor with the general public。 例句: 他是无可争议、众望所归的人...

  • 常见礼貌用语

    22-09-20 Would/Could you help me? 你可以帮助我吗? If you get a chance, could you...? 如果你有时间,你能吗? Excuse me? Can you do me a favor, please? 打扰了。你能帮我一个忙吗? Can you give me a hand? 你能帮我一个忙吗? If its not a problem, could/can I ...?...

  • feel up to something 觉得能够胜任

    22-04-28 1. If youre feeling up to it, there was something I wanted to talk to you about. 如果你觉得身体状况还不错,我有些事想和你聊聊。 Notes: feel up to something表示觉得能够胜任,可以对付某事,觉得身体能承受。例如: If you feel up to it, please start your...

  • 请人帮忙怎么说才礼貌?

    21-12-17 1 Could/ Would you do me a favor? could这个词常常用于询问和请求,听起来比简单粗暴的can有礼貌得多,而Would you do me a favor?是更加正式的表达。 这两种问句用于话题开始,询问他人是否愿意提供帮助。 do me a favor也是个很常用的短语。 例: Could you do me a...

  • owe sb. a favor 欠人情

    20-09-15 我们知道欠钱的短语是owe money,owe这个单词除了表示欠(钱),还可以表示欠(情),也就是人情债。 所以欠人情用英语可以说成owe sb. a favor,favor有好意、关切的意思。当别人欠自己人情时,就可以说You owe me a favor(你还欠我个人情)。 当自己欠别人人情时,...

  • 《饥饿游戏》精彩语句

    14-03-11 A people rose up from the ashes, and a new era was born. 人们涅槃重生,一个新的时代浴血开启。 You can't tune out again. 你不能再逃避现实了。 Which would come in handy if, in fact, you were still alive. 事实上要是你还活着,这迟早将派上大用...

  • “关照”的翻译

    13-05-08 关照的汉语意思 关照在汉语中有两个意思,一是表示关心、照顾,译成英语通常可以是look after或keep an eye on;二是表示口头通知,译成英语通常可以是notify by word of mouth。 关照的英语翻译 1. 答谢所受到的关照 to acknowledge a favor 2. 对年长亲戚的关照 care...
