• it's interesting 呵呵

    22-09-01 呵呵,原本是拟声词,表示笑声,例如呵呵大笑意思是roar with laughter。但近年来,它却被网友评为最伤人聊天词汇。 在网络聊天时,如果有人会回复你呵呵,不要以为他是表示开心或感兴趣,对方很可能只是不屑或者无话可说。 在网络用语中,呵呵与英文Its interesting的...

  • 耍赖

    22-08-12 游戏时耍赖: That doesnt count. 那不算! We werent playing for real. 我们不是玩真的。 欠钱时耍赖: Money has been really tight lately... 最近手头有点紧 Ive had so many other expenses... 我有太多其他的费用要付 犯错时耍赖: Its not my fault. 那不是我...

  • 吵架必备神句-破产姐妹Max篇

    22-08-02 Dont give me your excuses/No more excuses. 别找借口。 Nonsense!一派胡言! You asked for it. 这是你丫自找的。 Get over yourself. 别自以为是。 Who do you think youre talking to?你以为你在跟谁说话? Its not my fault. 那不是我的错。 You look guilty....

  • 英式客套话

    22-08-02 1. I hear what you say. 误解:他接受了我的观点。 正解:不同意,也不想再说什么了。 2. With the greatest respect 误解:他正仰慕地听我讲话呢。 正解:你太二了。 3. Thats not bad. 误解:太好了 正解:差劲 4. That is a very brave proposal. 误解:他觉得我挺...

  • find fault with 找茬

    22-07-22 找茬,汉语词语,亦作找碴,意思是吹毛求疵地进行挑剔、批评,故意找麻烦等。可以翻译为find fault with,pick holes/flaws in或pick a quarrel等。 例句: 看他们的架势,是来找茬儿打架的。 They seem to have come only to pick a quarrel with us. 你为什么总是找...

  • 道歉

    22-01-29 当你放下小错误向别人道歉时,用sorry当然是最简单且最恰当的词啦: Whoops! Sorry! Oh! Sorry. Sorry about that. There are a few slang phrases that you can also use for slight mistakes: 这里还有一些俚语可以用来表示轻微的错误哦: Oh, my bad. My fault, bro...