• 关于父亲节的4个事实

    22-06-20 1. Washington was the first state to celebrate Fathers Day. 第一个父亲节是在美国华盛顿庆祝的 In 1909, Spokane resident Sonora Smart Dodd was listening to a Mothers Day sermon at her local church when she had the idea to try and establish a similar d...

  • 奥巴马讲话 祝愿父亲们节日快乐

    14-06-22 Hi, everybody. Sunday is Father's Day. If you haven't got Dad a gift yet, there's still time. Just barely. But the truth is, what we give our fathers can never match what our fathers give us. I know how important it is to have a dad in your life, be...

  • 宝宝出生会让男人自感魅力倍增

    13-04-14 Women may get a glow during pregnancy, but now it turns out that men feel they are more attractive as well - only after the baby has arrived. 女人在怀孕期间可能会容光焕发,但现在研究发现,男人也会因此而感到自己魅力倍增不过是在宝宝出生以后。 In the f...

  • 成为父亲可帮助男性改掉坏习惯

    11-11-08 After men become fathers for the first time, they show significant decreases in crime, tobacco and alcohol use, according to a new, 19-year study. Researchers assessed more than 200 at-risk boys annually from the age of 12 to 31, and examined how me...

  • 越来越多的父亲开始顾家

    11-06-18 Many fathers these days want it all -- time with kids, promotions at work and a spouse who shares the parenting duties. 如今许多父亲都想多样兼得有时间陪孩子,工作上获得晋升,妻子可以分担养家的责任。 But some say they would trade in their commute(通...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Promoting Responsible Fatherhood 2

    10-06-27 Now, I cant legislate(立法) fatherhood -- I cant force anybody to love a child. But what we can do is send a clear message to our fathers that there is no excuse for failing to meet their obligations. What we can do is make it easier for fathers w...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Promoting Responsible Fatherhood 1

    10-06-26 Hello! Hello, everybody! Thank you so much. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Everybody, please have a seat. Thank you very much. (Applause.) Thank you. Let me just begin by making a few acknowledgements. First of all, I've got some outsta...

  • 研究:男性也会得产后抑郁症

    10-05-24 Men are as likely as women to suffer from postnatal depression, a study shows. 一项研究显示,男性和女性一样会得产后抑郁症。 Mental health experts say although postnatal depression in man is not hormonal, it is surprisingly common and brought about b...
