• Find a girl just like your mother

    12-03-21 No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice. Find a girl just like your mother -- then, she's bound to like her. So the young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl....

  • Like father, like son 有其父必有其子

    12-02-28 Son: Papa, what's the meaning of Like father, like son? Father: Bastard. What another scandalous thing have you done in the school? 儿子:爸爸,有其父必有其子是什么意思呀? 父亲:狗崽子,你在学校又干什么见不得人的事啦?...

  • 《美食,祈祷和恋爱》一

    12-02-21 精彩对白 Stephen: I proofread all of her manuscripts. My wife is very, very beautiful, but she can't spell for anything. Delia Shiraz: Look at Uncle Stephen. And Auntie Liz. I'm counting the minutes for this to be over so I can get in my big girl pa...

  • 《盗梦空间》四

    11-12-29 精彩对白 Saito: Robert Fischer, heir to the Fischer Morrow energy conglomerate . Cobb: What's your problem with this Mr. Fischer? Saito: That's not your concern. Cobb: Mr. Saito, this isn't your typical corporate espionage . You asked me for incepti...

  • Keep feeding him nickels 再喂他几枚五分镍币

    11-12-20 A mother saw her three-year-old son put nickel in his mouth and swallowed it. She immediately picked hime up, turned him upside down and hit him on the back, whereupon he coughed up two dimes. Frantically(疯狂似地) , she called to the father outsi...

  • 纸上谈兵

    11-12-14 In the Warring States Period, the State of Zhao had a famous general called Zhao She, whose son, Zhao Kuo, was very fond of reading books on military science and discussing strategy. He could recite military texts by heart, and when discussing warfa...

  • 名言话父爱

    11-12-06 1. I've had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started. - Bartrand Hubbard 我曾有过艰难的生活,但是我的艰辛与我父亲努力让我重头再来所经历的艰辛比起来算不了什么。...

  • A Father's Influence

    11-12-06 The wisdom my 77-year-old father has passed on to me came more through osmosis(渗透) than lectures. Pinning down a dad's influence to one true thing is like saying that the final inning is all that matters in a baseball gamewhen in reality, it's e...

  • Crocus 番红花

    11-10-10 It was an autumn morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were upstairs unpacking, and I was looking out the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. My parents lived nearby, and Dad ha...

  • Whose Father was the Stronger

    11-10-09 Will and Bill were quarrelling(争吵) about whose father was the stronger. Will said, Well, you know the Pacific Ocean? My father's the one who dug the hole for it. Bill wasn't impressed, Well, that's nothing. You know the Dead Sea? My father's the...