• year of fate 本命年

    22-08-15 如果要说我属羊,那就是:I was born in/under the Year of the Sheep。介词用 in 或 under 都可以。 正因为有生肖纪年的习俗,于是在我们这里有了本命年的概念。那羊年是我的本命年英语怎么说呢? Since I am a Sheep in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year. 在...

  • be closely linked to 息息相关

    22-01-26 息息相关,汉语成语,意思是彼此呼吸都相互关联,形容关系非常密切。可以翻译为be closely linked to,be closely bound up with等。 例句: 国家的命运与个人的命运息息相关。 The fate of the country is bound up with the fate of the individual. 众所周知,食物...

  • 四种不同恋爱模式的命运

    15-11-15 A new study found four distinct patterns of commitment, which researchers say can reveal the fate of different relationships. 一项新的研究发现四种不同恋爱模式可以揭示不同恋爱的命运。 While past relationship studies have focused on single facets at o...

  • 生活之路

    14-05-04 The lives of most men are determined by their enviroment. They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only resignation but even with good will. They are like streetcars running contendedly on their rails and they despise the sp...
