• “自相矛盾”的英语单词 1

    22-05-26 1. sanction制裁批准 Economic sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops. 只有侵略国撤回其军队,经济制裁才会解除。 They tried to get official sanction for the scheme. 他们想使计划获得正式批准。 2. overlook检查;监视...

  • Rolling. 开始去做。

    22-01-25 Rolling. 开始去做。(用于很多情况,所以根据语境的不同意思也不同) 例句: Get ready fast, we have to got to roll. 快准备好,我们得走了。 The plan is great, let us get rolling. 这个计划很赞,让我们开始吧。...

  • fast and furious 迅猛刺激,扣人心弦

    22-01-22 表达 fast and furious 用来形容 活动、情况或事物进展迅速,或紧张刺激、扣人心弦。在句子中,fast and furious 既可以作形容词成分,也可以作副词成分使用。 例句 The football match was really fast and furious. It was hard to know where the ball was going ne...

  • a busy bee 大忙人

    21-08-23 蜜蜂看上去繁忙不停,所以当一个人特忙的时候就可以用 as busy as a bee 来形容繁忙的状态; a busy bee 就是我们说的一个大忙人。 例句 Ive been a really busy bee this morning. Ive been to the shops, paid my bills, had a haircut and even been for a run. Fra...

  • fast track 捷径

    21-07-19 名词短语fast track 快车道指的是通往成功或目的地的捷径。比如,在谈论工作和事业的语境中,fast track 常用来表示快速晋升的通道。 及物动词 fast-track 指加快进程;它也可以做形容词,意思是直通的,加急的,比如 a fast-track application service 特快申请服务。...

  • Time sure does move fast. 一日三秋。

    21-06-30 Time sure does move fast / slow 【原句】Time sure does move fast. Time sure does move slow. 【翻译】一日三秋。度日如年。 【场景】Caroline和Max回到Han餐厅碰到Earl,Earl很惊奇地看着她俩,问着是不是已经去过好莱坞,还感叹时间好快。随后Caroline回复他还没...

  • get around fast 不胫而走

    21-05-08 不胫而走,汉语成语,字面意思是没有腿却能跑(run without legs),多指消息无声地散播。可以翻译为get around fast或spread quickly like wildfire。 例句: 谣言不胫而走,说他曾包庇走私。 The rumor somehow went about that he used to shield smuggling. 这则趣...

  • 快时尚带来的问题

    21-01-02 Theres nothing quite like new clothes, is there? The UK certainly loves them. According to a report by the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC), the UK consumes five times more clothes today than it did in the 1980s. Thats more than any other nation...

  • A slow/fast/romantic number 一首慢歌/快歌/情歌

    20-12-02 A song(一首歌) 也可以被称作 a number。在使用时,number 前通常加描述一首歌类型的形容词,比如:a slow number(一首慢歌);a fast number(一首快歌);a romantic number(一首情歌)。 人们认为,a number 最初可能指的是一部音乐剧中的歌曲,这些歌曲被附上...

  • FAST射电望远镜明年将向全世界开放使用

    20-11-13 China will open its Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) to global scientists next year for research work, said the National Astronomical Observatories (NAO) on Thursday. 国家天文台周四表示,我国的500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAS...