• believe without a shadow of doubt 深信不疑

    22-11-19 深信不疑,汉语成语,意思是形容对事对人非常相信,没有半点怀疑。可以翻译为believe firmly,believe without a shadow of doubt,place [put] ones faith in等。 例句: 对此我深信不疑。 I have full belief in this without the slightest doubt. 他对大蒜的医学功...

  • optimistic 乐观的愤世嫉俗者

    22-10-10 什么?愤世嫉俗的人还分乐观和悲观?如果你对这个世界有种种不满和无奈,怀疑人性但又对人性抱有希望,那么你就是乐观的愤世嫉俗者。 Cynically optimistic person is somebody who acknowledges the fact that humanity is crap but also believes in its capacity to...

  • 与老外侃星座 上

    22-05-27 1. Whats your sign? 你是什么星座的? 2. I dont think astrology is blind faith. It holds water in many instances. 我认为占星术不是迷信,它很多时候还是站得住脚的。 3. Im not superstitious. The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate. 不是我迷信,...

  • leap of faith 信心的跳跃

    21-12-17 当你 take a leap of faith, 这就意味着你对一件事情有信心,准备搏一搏,虽然这是属于比较冒险的行为。 例句 I took a leap of faith by buying shares in my friends new company. Ive been offered a new job but I really dont know what it will be like. Its a r...

  • be convinced of 深信不疑

    21-10-01 深信不疑,汉语成语,形容对事对人非常相信,没有半点怀疑。可以翻译为believe firmly,be convinced of,believe without a shadow of doubt等。 例句: 他对大蒜的医学功效深信不疑。 He had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic. 他对上帝的存...

  • Cynically optimistic person 乐观的愤世嫉俗者

    20-08-28 Cynically optimistic person is somebody who acknowledges the fact that humanity is crap but also believes in its capacity to do good. 乐观的愤世嫉俗者指那些承认人性黑暗但同时也相信人能行善的人。 Example: If youre that person who wants to cut the nex...

  • 英文合同必备词汇 2

    16-08-03 11. herewith with this communication;enclosed in this(同此,随信附上) 例句: Please find two samples enclosed herewith. 寄上样品两种,请查收。 12. thereafter after that(此后,后来) 例句: The commitment fee shall quarterly be paid from the date...