• To be honest 其实吧

    22-02-08 As a matter of fact 这个短语可以使用在你想告诉别人一个事实,但是这个事实可能不是对方能预期到的。 比如你在做presentation的时候,想要告诉大家一个会让人出乎意料的结论时就可以这么说: To be honest 其实吧 这里的转折是出现在当你真实的想法可能让对方惊讶的...

  • 不要盲目相信所谓的“生存技能”

    18-07-22 Myth: You can suck the venom out of a snakebite. Fact: If a bite delivers venom, itll immediately enter the bloodstream. Putting your mouth on the bite will deliver extra bacteria to the wound and may simply get venom into your mouth and esophagus....

  • substition 公众不接受的真相

    16-02-16 Substition refers to a fact that many people do not believe. 公众不接受的真相是指许多人不相信的事实。 Substition was coined by the British novelist Terry Pratchett, who died on March 12, 2015 from Alzheimer's disease. It's the opposite of superstiti...

  • 梦想有多远,你就能飞多远

    09-09-29 她很伤心,从臂弯里抬起头,告诉我,她父亲说那些教练讲得不对。他们根本不懂得梦想的力量。她父亲说,如果她真地有心去代表一个好的大学打篮球,如果她真的想获得奖学金,任何东西也不能阻止她,除非她自己没有这个心。 第二年,当她和她的球队去参加北加利福尼亚州冠...

  • Clever rooks repeat ancient fable 聪明的乌鸦印证了古寓言

    09-08-07 One of Aesop's fables may have been based on fact, scientists report. 科学家发现,一则伊索寓言可能建立在事实的基础上。 Rooks are a member of the corvid family of birds In the tale, written more than 2,000 years ago, a crow(乌鸦) uses stones to rai...
