• 世界最大单体免税店cdf海口国际免税城正式开业

    22-11-01 10月28日上午,世界最大单体免税店cdf海口国际免税城正式开业,成为海南离岛免税店名单上的新晋成员。 离岛免税购物是海南自贸港关键核心政策,也是带动海外高端消费回流和消费升级的重要抓手。 Thousands of people waited in line for hours until 10:30 am Friday f...

  • 美国各地托育危机愈发严重

    22-10-21 在疫情和通胀的双重影响下,美国各地尤其是乡村地区的托育危机愈发严重。美国有11个州至少有60%的居民地处托育荒漠,找不到托幼机构的父母们只能被迫辞职或从事兼职工作。 A shortage of child care in the US has become so acute that it's reaching far into rural...

  • 京沪高铁运营10周年

    21-07-02 6月30日,京沪高铁迎来运营10周年。 With a total length of 1,318 km and linking the capital with the eastern coastal economic hub of Shanghai, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is the worlds longest high-speed line ever constructed in a single p...

  • in one's element 得心应手

    21-01-12 得心应手,汉语成语,意思是心里怎样想,手里就能怎样做(what the heart wishes ones hands accomplish)。比喻技艺纯熟,心手相应,可以翻译为with facility,with high proficiency。与英文俗语in ones element意思相近,表示in a place or situation where one is...

  • medical waste disposal facility 医疗废物处置设施

    20-09-11 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。 A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical wa...

  • 世卫组织:计划明年底前提供20亿剂新冠疫苗

    20-08-27 The World Health Organization said on Monday it hopes to deliver by the end of next year at least 2 billion doses of safe, effective vaccines through its vaccine initiative. 世界卫生组织周一表示,希望通过新冠疫苗计划在明年年底前提供至少20亿剂安全、...

  • 中国将建造世界最亮光源设备

    17-01-24 China plans to build a next-generation synchrotron radiation facility in Beijing, according to a researcher from Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the countrys top research institutes. 中科院一位研究员透露,中国计划在北京建造新一代同步辐射加速器。...

  • 空客在天津建组装工厂

    16-03-03 Construction began Wednesday on an Airbus facility in north China's Tianjin, where the company's A330 aircraft will be finished off and delivered to clients. 空客在中国北方城市天津的一座工厂周三开工建设,A330飞机将在此组装完毕并交付客户。 The Europe...

  • 沃尔沃推出自行车探测系统

    13-03-07 Volvo has announced it is releasing a cyclist detection facility which should prevent fatal accidents. 沃尔沃将发布一套自行车探测设备,该设备可以避免死亡事故的发生。 Volvo's system can handle multiple pedestrians and cyclists at the same time The au...

  • 牛津大学反对新大楼用撒切尔命名

    12-02-11 牛津大学主要捐赠人、叙利亚出生的亿万富翁瓦菲克赛义德向牛津大学赛义德商学院捐款1500万英镑建造新大楼,并计划用撒切尔夫人的名字命名这栋新建筑。然而此举却遭到牛津大学许多教师的反对。 Baroness Thatcher is at the centre of a new row at Oxford University a...
