• 中国科学家发明可弯曲手机原材料

    17-06-07 Scientists in China have developed a new material which is said to have the worlds highest thermal conductivity, such as a diamond, but with extreme flexibility, reports the Qianjiang Evening News. 《钱江晚报》报道,中国科学家发明一种新材料,这种材...

  • 胆小者慎玩 极限捏手机

    15-10-17 Move over extreme sports, 'extreme phone pinching' is guaranteed to deliver an adrenaline rush like never before. Warning: It's not for the faint-hearted. 极限运动靠边站,现在是极限捏手机时代。据说这种活动会令人体肾上腺素分泌暴增,刺激性可以说前所未...
