• 六威高海拔高速周四开放通车

    19-01-04 A new expressway on southwest Chinas Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau opened to traffic on Thursday, facilitating trade and communication between provinces in the area. 云贵高原上一条新高速公路周四开放通车,促进了该地区各省之间的贸易以及通讯往来。 The 190-kil...

  • 浙江将建造支持自动驾驶汽车的高速公路

    18-02-24 Authorities in east Chinas Zhejiang Province have confirmed they will build the countrys first expressway that incorporates support for autonomous vehicles, reports Science and Technology Daily. 《科技日报》报道,浙江省将建造全国首条支持自动驾驶汽车...

  • 北京-新疆G7高速向公众开放

    17-07-16 The last three sections of the Beijing-Xinjiang expressway (G7) opened to public on Saturday, marking the completion of Chinas longest expressway. 北京-新疆G7高速最后三段周六向公众开放,这是中国最长的高速公路。 With a total length of 2768 kilometers...
