• 告别单一的感谢方式 4

    22-05-27 31. All I can say is, Thanks! 我想说的只有:谢谢! 32. Thank you for all your kindness. 谢谢你的善举。 33. How can I ever possibly thank you. 真不知道该怎么感谢你才好。 34. If anyone deserves thanks, its you. 助人为乐,说的就是你。 35. I cannot expr...

  • 告别单一的感谢方式 1

    22-05-27 1. I am all gratitude. 真是感激不...

  • 春节期间全国邮政快递业共揽收和投递快递包裹7.49亿件

    22-02-10 国家邮政局相关负责人表示,今年春节期间,全国邮政快递业运行情况总体安全稳定,邮政快递服务业务量增幅较大。 From Jan. 31 to Feb. 6, 749 million parcels were received and delivered by the countrys postal and express companies, the data showed. The figur...