• 第22届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会协议总投资额达3420亿元

    22-09-20 第二十二届中国国际投资贸易洽谈会9月11日在厦门闭幕。投洽会组委会当天晚间披露,据初步统计,480多个项目在投洽会期间达成合作协议,协议总投资额达3420亿元。 It was a typical September day in Xiamen, Fujian province-heat wave accompanied by humidity were...

  • 英国怀特岛发现两个新的恐龙物种

    21-10-14 考古学家发现了两个新的恐龙物种,它们可能在1.25亿年前在英格兰南部游荡。这个发现为了解这些捕食者提供了新的认知。 They would have been a terrifying sight, roaming the Earth 125 million years ago. Both were nine metres long with skulls similar to a croc...

  • 云南和青海地震引发全国关注

    21-05-24 5月21日夜间到5月22日凌晨,云南大理州漾濞县和青海果洛州玛多县先后发生地震,引发全国关注。 Earthquakes that rattled the provinces of Yunnan and Qinghai over the weekend left three people dead and dozens injured. The three deaths were reported in Yunna...

  • 经得住气候变暖考验的咖啡品种

    21-05-18 科学家们表示,一种之前 被遗忘 的、能生长在更温暖环境中的咖啡植物或许能帮助未来的咖啡饮品抵御气候变化。据预测,我们也许很快就能品尝到狭叶咖啡(Stenophylla)的味道,这是一种来自西非的稀有野生咖啡品种,味道很像小粒咖啡(Arabica),但生长在更温暖的环境...

  • 据说领袖们不用睡觉

    21-03-23 Do you need a lot of sleep? Some famous leaders are thought to have spent little time in the land of Nod so keen they were on their high-powered jobs. The late Margaret Thatcher earned a reputation for getting by on four hours a night. Tirelessness...

  • 我穿牛仔裤看上去是不是屁股很大?

    21-02-27 减肥可能很有挑战。不过,注意自己的饮食并且使用较小的盘子吃饭都会帮助我们保持体形以便总能穿得了名牌、时髦的衣服。 Does my bum look big in this? Thats what I asked myself when I tried on the designer jeans I bought in the Christmas sales and the mirro...