• 第一艘中国造极地探险邮轮试水

    19-03-13 The first China-made cruise ship for polar expeditions tested the water on Tuesday in Haimen, east Chinas Jiangsu Province. 第一艘中国制造极地探险邮轮周二在江苏海门试水。 Hu Xianfu, general manager of the shipbuilder China Merchants Group, said the...

  • 哥伦布的圣玛利亚号残骸被发现

    14-05-14 A US underwater investigator has said he believes he has found the wreck of the Santa Maria, the flagship of Christopher Columbus's famed expedition. 美国一位水下调查员称,他认为自己找到了圣玛利亚号(克里斯多弗哥伦布远征队的旗舰船只)的残...
