• 大众用猴子测试尾气遭批评

    18-02-03 Automaker Volkswagen has suspended a top executive in response to widespread public criticism over experiments in which monkeys were exposed to diesel exhaust. 汽车制造商大众利用猴子进行柴油尾气测试引发公众广泛批评,该公司为此将一名高管停职。 The co...

  • 柴油废气影响蜜蜂对花香的辨别力

    13-10-07 Exposure to common air pollutants found in diesel(柴油) exhaust pollution can affect the ability of honeybees to recognise floral odours, new University of Southampton research shows. Honeybees use floral odours to help locate, identify and recogn...
