• 大学生活

    22-10-24 当学生,做作业可是头等要事儿,不过你分得清各种作业,比如 dissertation 论文和 essay 文章的区别吗?还有三明治课程究竟是什么意思?本期《英语小测验》挑战你对大学里一些常用表达的理解。 1. Students are reminded that all coursework must _________ by the en...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 15

    22-09-14 In the New Hampshire village, every foreign phenomenon was properly noticed by housewives peering from windows, storekeepers lounging behind their doors. And so when the black automobile bearing New York license plates stopped in front of the Adams...

  • with flying colours 成功的喜悦

    22-01-04 短语 with flying colours 的意思是某人表现出色,取得了极好成绩。 例句 My daughter passed her exams with flying colours! Were going out to celebrate tonight. Did John pass his driving test this morning? Yes, he passed with flying colours. 请注意 还 有...

  • in deep water 陷入困境

    21-12-24 如果说某人 in deep water 那就是说此人陷入困境或处于水深火热之中。 例句 Were going to be in deep water if the bank cant authorize our loan. Ill be in deep water unless I pass all three exams. She left her brothers laptop on the train! Shes really goi...

  • to sail through it 轻松通过

    21-12-17 如果你 sail through 什么事情,这就是说你轻轻松松,非常顺利地就完成了这件事情。 例句 My sister sailed through her exams and is looking forward to starting university. Dont worry about your job interview, youll sail through it. We sailed through the t...

  • making the grade 达标了

    21-12-17 如果某人或某事被形容为 makes the grade, 意思是说他们达标了,符合要求,成功了。但这个短语往往用于否定句式,比如当什么事情没做好或不符合要求的时候。请注意以下例句中这个短语的用法。 例句 The marking of exams has been tougher this year and many students...

  • 形容人 “开心” 的英语词汇

    21-11-01 自 2013 年起,联合国将每年的 3 月 20 日定为 国际幸福日 International Day of Happiness,从而号召人们关注幸福的重要性。不妨通过做以下的测验题,学习六个形容 高兴、幸福 的英语词汇和表达,让忙碌的一天变得更加充实、快乐! 1. If you are looking very happy,...

  • 表“懒惰”的英语词汇

    21-10-02 突然想犯懒,想窝在沙发里什么都不干?八月里的有趣节日 国际懒惰节 就是一个让人们光明正大 犯懒 的好日子。在英语里,人们会用缤纷多彩的各式表达来宣布自己要偷懒。做《英语小测验》的六道小题,了解与懒惰有关的表达。 1. Someone who spends a lot of time in fro...

  • kick up your heels 好好享受一下

    21-08-16 如果你要 kick up your heels 那就表示你要无拘无束地好好享受一下。 例句 Its Friday night and Im looking forward to going out and kicking up my heels. We won the big contract so were all going out to kick up our heels. After the exams we kicked up our...

  • in deep water 处于水深火热之中

    21-08-05 如果说某人 in deep water 那就是说此人陷入困境或处于水深火热之中。 例句 Were going to be in deep water if the bank cant authorize our loan. Ill be in deep water unless I pass all three exams. She left her brothers laptop on the train! Shes really goi...