• hang in there 坚持下去

    21-12-20 短语 to hang in there 意思是在困难的情况下忍耐一下,坚持下去。 例句 I know money is tight right now, but hang in there and itll get better. Im desperate to know my exam results, but Ill just have to hang in there until they are published. 请注意 另...

  • armed to the teeth 全副武装

    21-12-06 表达 armed to the teeth 连牙齿都戴上盔甲了的实际意思是为了做某件事情做好了充分、全面的准备,也就是我们中文里说的全副武装。 例句 The bank robbers were armed to the teeth with guns, knives and grenades. Before assembling the flatpack furniture, he arm...

  • I'm so scared 我好方

    21-11-15 我好方是一个网络流行词,字面意思为Im so square,用来形容遇到某些麻烦或危险时感到惊慌失措( feel anxious or afraid),是一种比较调侃的说法。 在汉语中,方(square,fāng)与慌(flurried;scared,huāng)发音相近,我好方实际上是我好慌(Im so scared)的...

  • 常见的噩梦都表达了什么寓意

    21-10-30 每晚我们大约会做5个梦,地球上70亿人24小时内共同创造了350亿个梦。 这些梦有不少是噩梦,无论是梦到被追赶,还是梦到牙掉了,我们都会被吓得不轻甚至直接吓醒。 弗洛伊德在《梦的解析》中说,梦是人们压抑愿望的伪装表现形式(disguised fulfillments of repressed w...

  • not need to和 needn't区别是什么?

    21-10-29 动词 need 的意思是 需要,必须。它的否定形式有两种:not need to 和 neednt。它们有区别吗?现在时态和过去时态下的这两个否定形式在用法上一样吗? 用法总结 1 在现在时态下,(do) not need to 和 neednt 表达的意思通常是一样的,即 不需要,用不着。Neednt 比 not...

  • hit a/the wall 达到极限

    21-09-10 短语 hit a wall 或 hit the wall 直译过来是 撞墙,它实际上用来表示 体力上太疲倦或者精神上太累,以至于无法继续手上的事情。这个短语尤其常用在谈论跑步、锻炼等话题中。 例句 The marathon was going well until the halfway point. I hit a wall and had to give...

  • lose one's nerve 失去勇气

    21-09-10 表达 lose ones nerve 的意思是 屈服于恐惧和焦虑,失去了做某件事情的勇气,惊慌失措。人们常常用这个表达来劝他人 别害怕:Dont lose your nerve.。 例句 Sarah really lost her nerve when she had to speak in front of a big crowd. She was sick afterwards. 当...

  • keyed up 激动万分的

    21-08-26 短语 keyed up 形容一种状态,表示激动万分的、紧张不安的。这个短语常和单词 about 连用。 例句 Im really keyed up about the show tonight. Youve been keyed up all morning, Clive. You should take some time to relax before your exam. 请注意 短语 the key to...

  • not worry at all 满不在乎

    21-08-20 满不在乎,汉语成语,完全不放在心上,形容丝毫不在意、无所谓的样子。可以翻译为not worry at all,not care in the least或give no heed to等。 例句: 他英语考试虽不及格,却满不在乎。 He wasnt bothered at all after failing the English exam. 他满不在乎地耸...

  • touch wood 但愿走好运

    21-08-17 英国人有时也迷信,比如 touch wood 就是但愿走好运的意思。 例句 Ive done all of the preparation for the exam, so nothing can go wrong now touch wood! Ive never broken any bones, touch wood! The train is currently on time so we shouldnt miss our flight...