• have bad luck 水逆

    22-08-29 水逆 ,即水星逆行(Mercury Retrograde),本是占星学上的一种说法。从占星学(astrology)上来看,水逆现象会影响记忆、交通、通讯等,延缓事情的进展,甚至制造障碍,惹人不快。 在网络用语中,水逆通常表示have bad luck,be out of luck, fall on evil days,在诸...

  • 眼神

    22-03-22 眼神的英语不用想得很复杂,简简单单一个look就可以表达。 1. 不要用那样的眼神看着我。 Dont give me that look. (名词) 2. 警察用怀疑的眼神看着他。 The policeman gave him a suspicious look. (名词) 3. 她那种失望的眼神让我心痛。 Her disappointed look ma...

  • go along with somebody in his evil deeds 同流合污

    21-10-26 同流合污,汉语成语,原指思想、言行同不好的风俗、世道结合。现在多指跟坏人一起做坏事。可以翻译为go along with somebody in his evil deeds,join somebody in his evil doing等。 例句: 别跟他们同流合污。 Dont go along with them in their evil deeds....

  • have a strong hatred of evil practices 疾恶如仇

    21-07-09 疾恶如仇,也作嫉恶如仇,汉语成语,意思是憎恨坏人坏事就像憎恨仇人一样(hate evil like an enemy)。可以翻译为have a strong hatred of evil practices。 例句: 他的公正和疾恶如仇赢得了群众的拥护。 His fairness and abhorrence of evil won him the support o...

  • 符艾相争

    15-08-07 One day, the peachwood charm against evil hung on the door turned its face upward to curse the figure made of Chinese mugwort: Who do you think you are to dare to set yourself over my head? The figure of Chinese mugwort, unwilling to be outdone, loo...

  • 邪恶是上帝创造的吗

    12-09-06 A University professor at a well known institution of higher learning challenged his students with this question: Did God create everything that exists? And a student bravely replied, Yes, he did! God created everything? The professor asked. Yes sir...

  • Howard to play Twilight villain Howard将出演Twilight恶棍

    09-07-30 US actress Bryce Dallas Howard is to play evil character Victoria in the third Twilight film, Eclipse. 美国女演员Bryce Dallas Howard将在第三部曙光电影Eclipse中扮演邪恶角色Victoria。 Like her predecessor, Howard has long red hair The screen star will...
