• 实锤

    21-02-07 hard/ solid/ irrefutable/ conclusive/ undeniable/ incontrovertible/ proof/ evidence 实锤即确凿的证据,在英语中,有许多词可以与proof/ evidence搭配,表示确凿的证据,如:hard, solid, irrefutable, conclusive, undeniable, incontrovertible, reliable, clea...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 42

    21-01-19 第二十九章 司法协助 Chapter XXIX Judicial Assistance 第二百六十二条 根据中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则,人民法院和外国法院可以相互请求,代为送达文书、调查取证以及进行其他诉讼行为。 Article 262 In accordance with the internati...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 30

    21-01-18 第十七章 督促程序 Chapter XVII Procedure for Hastening Debt Recovery 第一百八十九条 债权人请求债务人给付金钱、有价证券,符合下列条件的,可以向有管辖权的基层人民法院申请支付令: Article 189 When a creditor requests payment of a pecuniary debt or reco...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 19

    20-09-16 第三节 开庭审理 Section 3 Trial in Court 第一百二十条 人民法院审理民事案件,除涉及国家秘密、个人隐私或者法律另有规定的以外,应当公开进行。 Article 120 Civil cases shall be tried in public, except for those that involve State secrets or personal priv...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 18

    20-09-16 第二节 审理前的准备 Section 2 Preparations for Trial 第一百一十三条 人民法院应当在立案之日起五日内将起诉状副本发送被告,被告在收到之日起十五日内提出答辩状。 Article 113 The peoples court shall send a copy of the statement of complaint to the defenda...

  • 电子证据保存是区块链的潜在重要领域

    19-06-21 Electronic evidence preservation is a potential important area for blockchain technology to be applied, according to a recently-issued white paper. 电子证据保存是区块链科技一个潜在的重要应用领域。 Entitled White Paper on Blockchain Technology Applic...

  • 性侵犯相关词汇

    13-03-19 sexual assault 性侵犯 criminal sexual act 刑事性行为 illegal confinement 非法监禁 grand jury 大陪审团 plead guilty 服罪 trial 审判 defense attorney 被告辩护律师 forensic evidence 法医证据 consensual sexual encounter 两厢情愿的性接触 private investig...

  • illegal collection of evidence 非法取证

    12-10-11 Chinese lawmakers on Tuesday continued to read a draft amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law, suggesting more detailed stipulations to stem illegal collection of evidence . 全国人大常委会周二再次审议刑事诉讼法修正案草案,建议增加更多阻止非法取证...

  • self-incrimination 自证其罪

    12-01-09 The prohibition of illegal evidence extraction and self-incrimination has already been included in the current Criminal Procedure Law. 现行的《刑事诉讼法》已将非法取证和自证其罪列入禁止范围。 上面的报道中,self-incrimination就是自证其罪,在刑事案件...

  • 物质与反物质之间不对称之奇异的新证据

    10-05-25 Why is there matter in the universe and not antimatter(反物质) , its opposite? Physicists at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, including John Ellison, a professor of physics at UC Riverside, have announced that they have found evidence for a...