• everyone and their mum 大多数人,很多人

    22-02-07 Everyone and their mum: 每个人和他们的妈妈 大多数人,很多人 这个短语,用夸张的手法来形容非常多的人,几乎每一个人 Everyone and their mum is going on a vacation, but I have to work. 大家都要休假了,可我还得工作。...

  • all, everybody/everyone

    21-11-01 单词 all 和 everybody/everyone 都可以用来指 一群人当中的所有人,但它们的用法可不一样!All 可以不加主语单独使用吗? 用法总结 1 用 all 来指代 一群人当中的全部 时,常用结构是 主语 + all + 主要动词。注意,这里的主语不能省略。 I invited some friends to a...

  • Steps to Happiness

    12-08-21 Everybody Knows: You can't be all things to all people. You can't do all things at once. You can't do all things equally well. You can't do all things better than everyone else. Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's. So: You have to fin...
