• 欧洲新气象卫星进入轨道

    23-01-29 近日,一颗重要的欧洲卫星已被送入预定轨道。气象卫星 Meteosat-12 搭乘阿丽亚娜火箭从法属圭亚那的库鲁航天发射中心起飞,开启了天气预报的新时代。 The value to society of satellite meteorology is immense. In terms of lives saved and infrastructure damage t...

  • events do not happen as one wishes 事与愿违

    21-11-15 事与愿违,汉语成语,事情的发展结局与主观愿望相违背,形容事情不能称心如意。可以翻译为events do not happen as one wishes,fail to obtain the desired result等。 例句: 人生中有许多事与愿违的情况。 Many things in our lives go by contraries....
