• Rovio公司2016上半年盈利可观

    16-08-25 Following a loss-making year, Finnish company Rovio announced Wednesday it gained a remarkable profit in the first half of 2016. 芬兰Rovio公司周三宣布,2016年上半年有可观的盈利,该公司去年营业额曾亏损。 Known for its Angry Birds games, the Espoo-bas...

  • 是有多幸运:钱真的可以从水上漂来

    15-12-21 We are lazing by the river, more than 100,000 euros just happen to float by, we dive in to collect it. And in the end, we get to keep it. 我们在河边闲逛,10万多欧元的钞票碰巧在河上漂过,我们跳进河里捞上来,最后我们还能留下这些钱。 Turns out believe...