• 伦敦地铁扶梯允许两边站人

    16-04-24 One of the busiest stations on London Underground, Holborn was the first station in the country to urge travellers to stand on both the right and left of upward-moving escalators during an experiment in November last year. 霍尔本地铁站是伦敦地下交通...

  • escalefter 扶梯堵路者

    16-04-20 Escalefter is a person who stands on the left side of a busy escalator, thus blocking those who would walk up or down. 自动扶梯上人不少,但却有人站在扶梯左侧不动,堵住想疾行上下的人的去路。 People who stand to the left instead of standing to the rig...

  • Broken Escalators

    15-08-17 An escalator can never break; it can only become stairs. You would never see an 'escalator temporarily out of order' sign, just 'escalator temporarily stairs.' Sorry for the convenience....

  • 英国教授发明可以“拐弯”的电梯

    10-12-28 英国伦敦城市大学的杰克列维教授发明出了可以拐弯的电梯,这种以其发明者命名的列维梯可随意沿弯道运行,该电梯的设计已经在英国、欧洲、美国和中国申请了专利,预计2012年年中我们就可以在公共建筑和商场里见到这种电梯了。 The Levytator, named after its inventor...
