• 新西兰一座休眠火山突然爆发

    12-08-07 A New Zealand volcano dormant for more than a century has erupted, sending up ash clouds, disrupting flights and closing roads. 新西兰一座休眠超过一个世纪的火山突然喷发,造成大片尘云,使航班扰乱、道路封闭。 The eruption sent ash clouds over the area...

  • 墨西哥波波卡特佩特火山可能将爆发

    12-04-18 Mexico has raised the alert level around the huge Popocatepetl volcano, after it began spewing ash and steam. 墨西哥波波卡特佩特火山开始喷出灰尘与蒸汽,政府提高了周边地区的警戒程度。 Tens of thousands of people live in the shadow of the volcano Seve...

  • 印尼苏拉威西岛火山爆发

    11-07-15 Thousands of people on an Indonesian island have been forced to flee a fierce volcanic eruption. 印度尼西亚一座小岛上,成千上万的人因火山爆发被迫逃亡。 Mount Lokon, on Sulawesi, started erupting at around 2230 local time (1530 GMT) on Thursday, acco...

  • 美宇航局观测到太阳爆发耀斑

    11-06-08 2 (medium-sized) solar flare, an S1-class (minor) radiation storm and a spectacular coronal(冠状物) mass ejection (CME) on June 7, 2011 from sunspot complex 1226-1227. The large cloud of particles mushroomed up and fell back down looking as if it...

  • 3D模式演示火山爆发

    11-06-02 D model of a volcanic explosion, based on the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state, may enhance our understanding of how some volcanic explosions occur and help identify of blast zones for potentially dangerous locations, according...

  • 观测外星世界的火山爆发

    10-09-08 Volcanoes display the awesome power of Nature like few other events. Earlier this year, ash from an Icelandic volcano disrupted air travel throughout much of northern Europe. Yet this recent eruption pales(变苍白) next to the fury of Jupiter's moo...

  • 火山喷发相关词汇2

    10-08-31 fluid lava flow 流动的熔岩流 fracture 破裂 froth 泡沫,废物 Fuji 富士山(在日本本州岛上的死火山) funnel-shaped crater 漏斗型的火山口 gas pressure 气压 gaseous 气体的,气态的 geologic 地质(学)的,地质(学)上的 geologist 地质学者 geophysicist 地球...

  • 火山喷发相关词汇1

    10-08-31 rift zone 断裂区 shield volcano 盾状火山 silicate [化] 硅酸盐 silicon [化] 硅 sodium [化]钠 solidification 凝固 solidify (使)凝固,巩固 dormant volcano 休眠火山 Volcanic Explosivity Index 火山爆发指数(VEI) bomb 火山弹 ash 火山灰 block 火山块 the e...

  • 印尼锡纳朋火山日前爆发

    10-08-30 Mount Sinabung volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumatra has erupted again, sending ash and smoke several kilometres into the atmosphere. 印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛上的锡纳朋火山日前再次爆发,致使周围数公里空气中充满灰尘和烟雾。 Nearly 20,000 people liv...

  • 菲律宾马荣火山“最近几日可能爆发”

    09-12-22 Scientists in the Philippines have raised the alert level for the volatile volcano Mount Mayon, amid fears of an imminent eruption. 菲律宾科学家对即将爆发的活火山马荣火山提高了警戒程度。 Mount Mayon has been spewing lava and ash for more than a week...